from www.fightlikeapesmusic.com
Dublin "synth-grungers, electo-noiseniks and synth-violence operators" Fight Like Apes played the BBC Introducing stage on the Saturday night at Glastonbury. There's a couple of videos on the BBC website, 'Lend Me Your Face' and a fiery performance of 'Battlestations'. Watch out for singer MayKay's Mclusky t-shirt:
BBC - Glastonbury 2008 - Fight Like Apes
Check out the band's new website, above, where you can stream the new recordings of 'Something Global', 'Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues', 'Knucklehead' and 'Lend Me Your Face', see further UK and Ireland festival dates, and generally do all the things you can do on Myspace, but without the shitty graphics and web layout. (Seriously, I'm all for streaming music, but half the time I go to a Myspace page the songs fail to load the first time round, and the whole thing is as stale as soft biscuits).
Hardcore for Nerds - 'Jake Summers' b/w 'Battlestations' (7" rip)
Future of the Left, Fight Like Apes & Shooting at Unarmed Men - collected tuneage
Friday Video: Fight Like Apes, 'Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues'
Obviously, I didn't go to Glastonbury - instead I spent the weekend writing up posts for Envy and the Crownhate Ruin, neither of which respective genres were much in evidence at the festival. But I often deign to listen to other things that more people - a lot more people - enjoy, so I caught some of the live coverage on BBC. Saw Jay-Z's cover of 'Wonderwall', as well as Horace Andy appearing for Massive Attack, which was excellent. I do like me a bit of dub, and while I'm not an inordinately large Massive Attack fan ('Teardrop' is great when it's used for the House theme though), Horace Andy's Dance Hall Style is a favourite of mine. I should post it sometime. The headline sets by Kings of Leon and the Verve looked pretty good as well. I was looking, though I didn't see any, for some footage - or whatever the appropriate digital term is - of Vampire Weekend, since despite my early attempts at resisting the hype, Vampire Weekend is actually a pretty great album.
[Update - Skinxxxcore 4 Eva!]
Dance Hall Style is quite awesome! I wouldn't have guessed that you were into dub. That album in particular though, I had first heard this past March or April and was so captivated by it. It sounded somewhat cold, which I love, but grooved heavily.
What are some more dub albums that you enjoy? I could definitely use some recommendations in the genre.
I'm not *that* into dub, in terms of knowledge. I could do with some recommendations myself!
Augustus Pablo, King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown is pretty great; http://burningdowndreams.blogspot.com/2007/09/augustus-pablo-king-tubby-meets-rockers.html
I like a bit of reggae too, i.e. Marley, but never got much into it. Kaya would be my favourite for that, other than Burnin', of course.
I got quite into the Burial album last year, kinda the surface of dubstep. It's actually pretty big, as an underground scene, here and in the UK. But I much prefer the original dub, or failing that post-hardcore bands soaking up the medium (like Hoover!).
I think there's a sort of logical connection between listening to heavy, rhythmic post-hardcore and the grooves of dub music. Of course, it's an influential connection as well - just listen to early Fugazi grooves. (or that one Minor Threat dub song)
Funny that you associate Dance Hall with cold; I first heard in the middle of summertime, so it's the opposite for me! The production, say on 'Money Money' is really cold and sparse, but it's kind of like an ice-on-a-hot-day cold to me.
[me-me-me-me.... shhh-shhh-shhh...shhh...shhh]
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